I’ts one thing to want change, it’s another to see that it actually happens

Zipcodevotes.com needs funds to pay for educational efforts on behalf of our key WEDGE issue “Reducing Gun Violence” in the critical fall 2018 elections.

Funds are mostly used to support the production and distribution of brand marketing style  mailers that go out before elections.  Cards that are designed to educate and inform voters, especially those who are less likely to vote or don’t have a clear idea of who they should be voting on. Handy covering all views of all candidates for critical races, easy to put in a purse, briefcase, overhead visor or on a refrigerator door.  There will also be legal and accounting requirements to comply with state and federal requirements for reporting, auditing, and supplying information concerning our activities.

While we have a tremendous volunteer base that contribute their time and energy to providing the data necessary to clarify candidate’s positions, it is inevitable that certain costs are unavoidable.

Necessarily there is the cost of maintaining and operating a website with advanced data base collection and distribution systems along with a critical email notice and updating service.

There are costs for printing and mailing.  Unfortunately the post office does not automatically grant worthy educational organizations exemptions to their fees for distributing mailers*.

And there is the inevitable overhead costs…places to work, utilities, vehicle costs and a few key full time employees.  Our goal is to keep administrative expenses to 25% of the allocated budget during each election cycle.

*Post office  eligibility for discounts is based on each local post office’s findings.  We do not anticipate that all discounts will automatically apply and a long and tedious legal fight is not in the interests of the objectives of zipcodevotes.  Therefore allowances and reserves for actual post office fees must be made.


It’s Easy To Support Us

Our simple and easy donation services (see links to the right) provide proper receipts to monitor your contributions.

We use two services  “Give” a well established fee free service for making worthy contributions and the PayPal donation service.

PayPal is a bit more tedious to operate, but a well respected vendor of payments to legitimate entities.

Our Biggest Fear…Attacks by the Gun Lobby

We are interested in solutions.  The gun lobby just wants to feed the incredible profit machine that is the gun industry while feeding the insatiable appetite for owning weapons expressed by certain segments of the citizenry.  They are well funded and we expect that they will misconstrue our educational agenda as a threat to their entrenched position that gun ownership is an unregulatable right regardless of what the constitution and concerned legislators say.

Thus we see a need for top notch legal assistance to keep us functioning.  And your donations are critical to that effort.

Earmarked Donations?

For some donors making sure that there contribution goes to a particular district is important.  Please let us know if that is your intention so that earmarked funds can be set aside to focus on a particular race.


To target a particular congressional district costs about 35 cents a mailer.  A typical district will need about 150,000 targeted mailings or about $52,000.  If funds are limited, mailings can be narrowed down to the most important neighborhoods.